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700km on a Wooden Bike

So ive rides about 700km on this wooden bike so far and apart from the limitations of the original donor bike as regards gearing, rim brakes and all the good stuff from the 90’s I’m really enjoying it.

I haven’t been kind on it, ridden off kerbs, tried a few small jumps, It is a road bike after all! but generally ive thrashed it and haven’t seen any problems so far, In fact its pretty darn stiff and has a ride that I really like. its stiff enough for me and has an alive kind of feel that makes me smile.

Plans underway for the next one already, its going to be a 650B Disc Brake gravel bike as I already have the donor and being the bike I rode in this years Tour Aotearoa I know it can take a hiding so will be a good testing ground for the next wooden frame.